Trust Jesus
Based on Luke 5:1-11 Preached on July 21, 2019 The Fifth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
By The Measure You Use
Based on Luke 6:36-42 Preached on July 14, 2019 The Fourth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Stop, Search, and Celebrate
Based on Luke 15:1-10 Preached on July 7, 2019 The Third Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Scripture is Enough
Based on Luke 16:19-31 Preached on June 23, 2019 The First Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Father Gives His Son
Based on John 3:1-17 Preached on June 16, 2019 The Holy Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
How to Curb Sin and Influence People
Based on Acts 2:1-21, Genesis 11:1-9 Preached on June 9, 2019 The Day of Pentecost Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Offering Service to God
Based on John 15:26-16:4 Preached on June 2, 2019 The Seventh Sunday of Easter ~ Exaudi Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Whatever You Ask of the Father
Based on John 16:23-33 Preached on May 26, 2019 The Sixth Sunday of Easter ~ Rogate Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Faith Must Be Fed, or It Will Die
Based on John 16:5-15 Preached on May 19, 2019 The Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ Cantate Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Removed From Our Sight
Based on John 16:16-22 Preached on May 12, 2019 The Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ Jubilate Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Shepherd Love
Based on John 10:21-25 Preached on May 5, 2019 The Third Sunday of Easter ~ Misercordias Domini Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Forgiveness Applied
Based on John 20:19-31 Preached on April 28, 2019 The Second Sunday of Easter ~ Quasimodo Geniti Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Walking in Newness of Life
Based on Mark 16:1-8 Preached on April 21, 2019 The Resurrection of Our Lord ~ Easter Day Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
He Will Draw All Men
Based on John 12:20-43 Preached on April 19, 2019 Good Friday Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Heaven on Earth
Based on Matthew 26:26-29 Preached on April 18, 2019 Holy (Maundy) Thursday Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Saved by the Blood
Based on Matthew 27:11-54 Preached on April 14, 2019 Passion/Palm Sunday ~ Palmarum Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Perfect Doctrine and Life
Based on John 8:42-59 Preached on March 18, 2018 Fifth Sunday in Lent - Judica Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
I Like the Christian Life
Based on 1 Peter 4 Preached on April 3, 2019 Lenten Midweek 4 Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Salvation of Your Soul
Based on 1 Peter 1 Preached on March 13, 2019 Lenten Midweek 1 Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
To Make Him King
Based on John 6:1-15 Preached on March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday in Lent – Laetare Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Church Militant
Based on Luke 11:14-28 Preached on March 24, 2019 The Third Sunday in Lent: Oculi Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Arguing With The Judge
Based on Matthew 15:21-28 Preached on March 17, 2019 Reminiscere Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Spiritual Warfare
Based on Matthew 4:1-11 Preached on March 10, 2019 First Sunday in Lent: Invocabit Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Purity of Heart in Worship
Based on Matthew 6:1-21 Preached on March 6, 2019 Ash Wednesday Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Infallible Word
Based on Luke 8:4-15 and Isaiah 55:1-13 February 24, 2019 Sexagesima Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Welcome to the Vineyard
Based on Matthew 20:1-16 Preached on February 17, 2019 Septuagesima Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Hidden Glory
Based on Matthew 17:1-9 Preached on February 10, 2019 The Transfiguration of Our Lord Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
God Never Fails
Based on Jonah 1:1-17 and Matthew 8:23-27 Preached on February 3, 2019 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Lord, I am not Worthy
Based on Matthew 8:1-13 Preached on January 27, 2019 Third Sunday after the Epiphany Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Asking God for a Blessing
Based on John 2:1-11 Preached on January 20, 2019 Second Sunday after the Epiphany Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
United With Christ in Baptism
Based on Matthew 3:13-17 Preached on January 13, 2019 The Baptism of Our Lord Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Travelling to Worship God in the Flesh
Based on Matthew 2:1-12 Preached on January 6, 2019 The Epiphany of Our Lord Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Our Father, Through the Sending of the Son
Based on Luke 2:22-40 and Galatians 4:1-7 Preached on December 30, 2018 First Sunday after Christmas Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
A God Who Can Sympathize
Based on John 1:1-18 Preached on December 25, 2018 Christmas Day Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Sacramental Nativity
Based on Luke 2:1-20 Preached on December 24, 2018 Christmas Eve (Midnight) Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Make Straight the Way of the Lord
Based on John 1:19-28 Preached on December 23, 2018 Fourth Sunday in Advent ~ Rorate Coeli Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Daniel and the Lion’s Den
Based on Daniel 6 Preached on December 17, 2018 Advent Midweek 2 Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
What Did You Expect to See?
Based on Matthew 11:2-11 Preached on December 16, 2018 Third Sunday in Advent ~ Gaudete Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Near-Sacrifice of Isaac
Based on Genesis 22 Preached on December 5, 2018 Advent Midweek 1 Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Paradigm of Humility
Based on Matthew 21:1-9 Preached on December 2, 2018 First Sunday in Advent – Ad Te Levavi Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Foolish and the Wise
Based on Matthew 25:1-13 Preached on November 25, 2018 Last Sunday of the Church Year Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Where the Vultures Gather
Based on Matthew 24:15-28 Preached on November 18, 2018 Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Desperate for Christ
Based on Matthew 9:18-26 Preached on November 11, 2018 Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Blessed are the Dead who Die in the Lord
Based on Matthew 5:1-12 Preached on November 4, 2018 All Saints’ Day (Observed) Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Freedom In Knowing the Truth
Based on John 8:31-36 Preached on October 28, 2018 Reformation Day (Observed) Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Fools for Christ
Based on John 4:46-54 Preached on October 21, 2018 Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Clothed in Christ
Based on Matthew 22:1-14 Preached on October 14, 2018 Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Forgiveness with Authority
Based on Matthew 9:1-8 Preached on October 7, 2018 Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Thanksgiving Day (Observed) Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Law and The Christ
Based on Matthew 22:34-46 Preached on September 30, 2018 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Humility, Love and the Sabbath
Based on Luke 14:1-11 Preached on September 23, 2018 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Based on Luke 7:11-17 Preached on September 16, 2018 Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Trust in the Lord
Based on Matthew 6:24-34 Preached on September 9, 2018 Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Healed and Cleansed by Jesus
Based on Luke 17:11-19 Preached on September 2, 2018 Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
God’s Gifts Restored
Based on Mark 7:31-37 Preached on August 19, 2018 Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Do Not Trust In Yourself
Based on Luke 18:9-14 and Ephesians 2:1-10 Preached on August 12, 2018 August 12, 2018 Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
The World or Your Soul?
Based on Luke 16:1-13 Preached on July 29, 2018 Ninth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Beware of False Teachers
Based on Matthew 7:15-23 Preached on July 22, 2018 July 22, 2018 Eighth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Trust the Lord Who Provides
Based on Mark 8:1-9 Preached on July 15, 2018 Seventh Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
A Greater Righteousness
Based on Matt. 5:17-26 Preached on July 8, 2018 Sixth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Let the Lord Be Right
Based on Luke 5:1-11 Preached on July 1, 2018 Fifth Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
To Prepare His Ways
Based on Luke 1:57-80 Preached on June 24, 2018 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Rejoicing Over Repentance
Based on Luke 15:1-11 Preached on June 17, 2018 Third Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Based on Luke 14:15-24 Preached on June 10, 2018 Second Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
If They Will Not Listen
Based on Luke 16:19-31 Preached on June 3, 2018 First Sunday after Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Born of Water and Spirit
Based on John 3:1-17 Preached on May 27, 2018 The Holy Trinity Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Street Preaching and the First Divine Service
Based on Acts 2:1-21 Preached on May 20, 2018 The Day of Pentecost Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
With Jesus From the Beginning
Based on John 15:26-16:4 Preached on May 13, 2018 Seventh Sunday of Easter ~ Exaudi Sunday after the Ascension Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Ask Anything In Jesus’ Name
Based on John 16:23-33 Preached on May 6, 2018 Sixth Sunday of Easter ~ Rogate Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
He Will Convict the World Concerning Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment
Based on John 16:5-15 Preached on April 29, 2018 Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ Cantate Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Eternal Joy
Based on John 16:16-22 Preached on April 22, 2018 Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ Jubilate Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
Based on John 10:11-16 Preached on April 15, 2018 Third Sunday of Easter ~ Misercordias Domini Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Prepared to Die
Based on John 11:17-27 Preached on April 14, 2018 The Christian Funeral Service of Wib Haufe Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Faith, Peace, and Forgiveness
Based on John 20:19-31 Preached on April 8, 2018 Second Sunday of Easter ~ Quasimodo Geniti Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Sin, Death and Hell Conquered
Based on Mark 16:1-8, 1 Cor. 15:51-57, and Job 19:23-27 Preached on April 1, 2018 The Resurrection of Our Lord ~ Easter Day Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
As I Have Loved You
Based on John 13:1-15, 34-35 Preached on March 29, 2018 Holy (Maundy) Thursday Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |
Let God Deliver Him
Based on Matthew 27:11-54 Preached on March 25, 2018 Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday Pastor Nathan Fuehrer |